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  • Coaching with us is not for...
    Those who hope to change their lives without taking action and trying. Those who don't want to explore and grow themselves. Those who thoroughly believe in determinism - that everything is determined.
  • What is IMO's coaching philosophy?
    At IMO, we coach people, not the problem. It's like having a personal guide who helps you explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and then empowers you to take control of them and your own growth. We recognize that each person is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. As Maya Angelou once said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Human-centered coaching creates a safe and supportive environment that allows you to feel heard, seen, and understood. In essence, we are about empowering you to become the best version of yourself.
  • What is the difference between coaching and counseling/therapy?
    Coaching and counseling both involve getting help from an expert or professional advisor to overcome problem facing an individual or organization or to achieve a goal. However, the two approaches differ in purpose, method, and role. Coaching centers on goal achievement and personal development. Coaches help individuals maximize their potential and change patterns of thinking or behavior. Coaching is a partnership between coach and coachee that involves setting goals, making plans, and identifying opportunities and the barriers holding them back from achieving the change they seek. The coachee then takes active actions to carry out their plans with the coach holding them accountable. Counseling, on the other hand, is primarily about creating a space for past and present emotions and trauma to be heard and understood . A therapist tries to identify the emotional distress and occasional give feedback. Acute diagnosis and treatment are the main aims of therapy with the clients goals, personal growth, and the future in general taking a backseat.
  • What are some examples of coaching outcomes?
    Prioritization and Time Management (Being busy is not the same as being productive). - “From no time for exercise or reading a book to having enough time to run a business, coaching, playing tennis, traveling, and time to watch Netflix.” Deepening relationship with oneself and others (understanding my pain points and desired emotional state). Designing an intentional life not just in terms of past experiences or who I am now, but in terms of future possibilities. Establishing a new identity of looking at the root of an issue and not just solving short-term problems. - Not ”Prescribing digestive medication → but “Building your digestive capacity.” Making decisions better From "living in a miserable maybe land" → to "Master of making the decision" Discovering your intention and purpose to unleash your unlimited potential Designing who you are by identifying the things that define you and your capacities Specific solutions that are unique to you that you won't find in books or lectures aimed at the masses. Discover your own zone of genius for a new job or project Recognize exactly what I really want and the current GAP and close the GAP
  • How would you define coaching in one sentence?
    "A series of purposeful conversations guided by a trained, coaching professional that closes the gap between where I *am* (including the past) and where I *really* want to be in the future."
  • Who is this for?
    Someone who wants to take their life to the next level (expand, grow, discover). Those who want to live and design their future in terms of what's possible instead of living in the past or being tied to current evidence. Those who want to explore the unconscious mind to identify the limitations that hold them back so they can envision the life they want to live. Someone who wants to make decisions that are truly for them in the face of big change. Someone who is tired of feeling insecure even when they're making progress. Someone who wants to upgrade his/her life to be the best version of themselves
  • How long do I need to be coached for coaching to be effective?
    The effectiveness of coaching varies from person to person, and the duration of coaching will vary accordingly. In general, the duration of coaching can vary depending on the goal. Smaller, simpler goals can be accomplished in a shorter period of time, while more complex or important goals may require a longer period of time. The client's focus and commitment, as well as the frequency of coaching sessions, also affect the effectiveness of coaching. Because coaching is not intended to be a temporary fix, but rather an ongoing process of change and development, coaching typically lasts from a few months to a year or more. During coaching, the client is expected to be an active participant and to continue working toward achieving their goals with the guidance of the coach.
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