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You Are Already 100% Amazing and Worthy

Let’s discuss the topic that is at the heart of what it means to be alive: a meaningful, worthy life.

Let's start with the basics. You are already 100% worthy, simply by existing. You don't have to prove your worth to anyone, because it's already there. From the moment you were born, you brought with you a unique set of experiences, perspectives, and talents that make you who you are. You started whole, and you continue to be whole.

But what is a meaningful, worthy life? That's a question only you can answer. There's no one-size-fits-all formula for a happy and fulfilling life, because everyone's version of "meaningful" is different. Some people find meaning in their careers, while others find it in their hobbies, relationships, or spirituality.

The good news is that you get to decide what a meaningful life looks like for you. You don't have to follow anyone else's script or meet anyone else's expectations. You get to start from a place of abundant meaning and spend your whole life discovering and celebrating it.

Of course, that's easier said than done. We live in a world that bombards us with messages about what we "should" be doing or achieving in order to be considered successful or worthy. But the truth is, those messages are just noise. The only person who gets to decide what a successful and meaningful life looks like for you is...drumroll!

So take some time to think about what's truly important to you. What makes your heart sing? What are you passionate about? What brings you joy? Maybe it's traveling the world, or starting your own business, or volunteering at a local shelter. Maybe it's spending time with your family, or writing poetry, or learning a new language.

Whatever it is, embrace it fully. Don't worry about whether it's "good enough" or whether other people approve. Remember that you started whole, and you continue to be whole. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. You are already 100% worthy, just by being you.

A meaningful, worthy life is one that you define for yourself. You don't have to follow anyone else's script or meet anyone else's expectations. You are already whole, and you get to spend your whole life discovering and celebrating the meaning that's unique to you. So go out there and live your best life. I love seeing others do just that and cheer them on along the way!

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